Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cardinals En Route to the Palmetto State

We’re on our way down to Myrtle Beach right now, riding down on the coach bus all the way from Plattsburgh. Right now, we’re right near Trenton, NJ, so we still have a long way to go. It’s not bad though, between the movies and either reading or just hanging out with the guys on the team, the time moves by a little faster than you would think. It’s actually a pretty good time for the team because we’re hanging out on the same bus for about 18 hours, so you kind of get to joke around with everyone. I like to think it helps build team chemistry, which this team already has plenty of. I’ve said it before, but this team is the closest knit group I’ve been on at Plattsburgh, so these rides are actually more fun than it is a hassle.

When we wake up in the morning and get into South Carolina, we’ll start to get ready for our practice session at the complex. We get one of the fields for a couple of hours for practice, and then we’ll head back to the hotel to relax before our game later that night. When you’re one of the few older guys on a young team, you look for other guys to step up and make sure our practices and these road trips run smoothly. Crockett Pack is our only three-year junior, and he is one of those players. He comes to practice every day works as hard as he can, and you can see that his attitude rubs off on everyone else. Crockett is one of those players that does whatever helps our team to win, no matter what the situation is. He’s played a lot as a freshman and sophomore, switching positions from second base to the outfield, and making the adjustment better than most people have. In order for our team to succeed this year, we need him to play often and play well.

(Sports Information Director's Note: The team left campus via charter bus around 3 p.m. Wednesday and have since arrived at their destination. This post was made after their Thursday morning practice in preparation for the season opener later in the evening.)

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